Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Naturally I just pop in randomly, and after many moons have passed. Well, big news people! I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and it's a girl! Happy, happy, happy! The boy isn't quite as thrilled at the prospect of having a little sister (he was so hoping for a boy), but he's getting used to the idea. They'll pretty much be 10 years apart, but so is my older sister and I, and we have a great relationship. Looking forward to seeing how things turn out.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in. If it isn't long lost little Weena back after a long hiatus! Yep, it's me, the now and than blogger. I will not make any promises this go around. I will just say, it's good to be back, and I am looking forward to seeing what I come up with. Ha!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Lincoln Lawyer

I gave it: 4/5 stars

Review: I haven't read the book by Michael Connelly, so I can't make comparisons there, but I thought the movie was very good. Matthew McConaughey plays a shady lawyer who defends even shadier people. He tends to work out of the back of his Lincoln, hence the title. His ex-wife is played by Marisa Tomei, who is a prosecutor. It seems that this difference between them was a big cause of their break-up among other things. They do have a daughter together, though, and keep a semi-nice relationship for her sake. Ryan Phillippe plays the questionable client that McConaughey's character takes on. It doesn't take long for us to realize that Phillippe is hiding something, and that he is most likely guilty. Naturally suspense ensues, and there's a mystery to be solved. A great edge-of-your-seat legal thriller.

Movie Description from IMDB: A sleazy defense attorney has a crisis of conscience when he represents a wealthy client who has a foolproof plan to beat the system.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloweenish Movies

I'm not generally a horror fan, but I do like a spooky movie now and than. Especially around this time of year, of course. I never know just what scary movie I'll be able to handle. I mean, I love Alien. However, I absolutely cannot watch any of the Saw movies. It's weird. I think I like movies that have suspense, but aren't based in reality. I think that's why I'm afraid to watch Saw. It could really happen. My sister and I watch poltergeist every year, and it scares me every time. I hate clowns because of that movie. One of my favorite spooky movies is:

How can you go wrong with Johnny Depp? You can't!
I love the classics, too. Alfred Hitchcock is a master of suspense, as we all know.

The Birds is spooky awesomeness. I actually saw this for the first time at school, of all places. I was in 10th grade, and had the coolest English teacher ever. We watched the Bad Seed in that class, as well. That movie was so freaky! Imagine a little girl as a serial killer. Chills!
And of course, you can't have Halloween without:

Happy Halloween, and happy movie watching!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Web Addictions

Yes, the Internet is an addiction nearly everyone in the world has. Of course, there are layers upon layers of addictions within the Internet itself. Like Facebook, Blogging, Twitter, and the like. There's gaming sites like pogo.com, and yahoo games. There's book sites like Goodreads and Shelfari. Every day there's something new to get addicted to. My newest is Pinterest.

Oh my goodness is this thing addicting. I have always loved collecting pictures from magazines, and now I can collect pictures from all over the web and keep them in an online scrapbook. Online scrapbooking, baby, it's the new wave. Wow! I already have over 1,000 pins, and it's only been a couple of weeks. Yes, I am addicted. But don't worry, I can quit any time. I can! Really!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lost and Found

My library card went missing recently, and it was like there was a piece of myself missing as well. I hadn't realized just how much I missed it until someone turned it in and we were reunited once again. My goodness, but getting that little bit of plastic back into my wallet was such joy. It's funny how something that is most likely insignificant to most people can be so important to someone else. I love my library. I am there every week, sometimes more than once. I always have holds to pick up or something to return. It's wonderful!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Watching Classic Movies

I love Turner Classic Movies. I watch it all of the time. One thing I wish I'd retain from some of these wonderful classics is being a perfect housewife and mom. Haha! It's true! I wish I got up every morning before everyone else, had breakfast ready and saw them out the door with a smile. And then, of course, have the house perfectly clean and have a perfectly cooked meal for dinner. Unfortunately, I am not a morning person, and I don't always get the house clean, and I don't always have a perfectly cooked dinner every night. Whenever I visit my in-laws, I admire how dutifully my mother-in-law washes the dishes after every meal and how clean her house always is. She's neat, organized, and very lady-like. She is quite a role model, let me tell you. While I may not be as good as I'd like to be, my guys know they're loved and they think they are reasonably well cared for. I've recently started mowing the back yard for my husband. That's certainly not something my mother-in-law would do. I try to make sure I wash the dishes every night before going to bed. As for the rest of my wifely/motherly duties, I have many hits and misses. In between watching a classic movie or reading a book, of course.