Saw this on another blog (, and liked the idea. So here goes:
Available or single? Happily married, thanks.
Best Friend? I only have a few friends, and I don't single one out over the others.
Cake or Pie? It really depends on my mood. I love both. Right now, I'd love a piece warm apple pie. Oh my gosh, I just remembered the cherry pie from Trader Joe's. It's the ultimate!
Drink of choice? Green Tea, preferably the one with a hint of orange.
Essential item for every day use? The computer, of course. It's how I keep in touch, keep informed, and keep happy. Haha!
Favorite color? Red
Google? Sometimes.
Hometown? Bowling Green, Ky
Indulgences? Chocolate, movies, books
January or February? Well, my son was born in January, so that's gotta be the preferred month. Haha!
Kids and their names? one, Kyle
Life is incomplete without…? book, movies, and family vacations.
Marriage date? April 25, 1998
Number of siblings? 3
Oranges or apples? Apples
Phobias and fears? Spiders, Sharks, Jelly Fish, Heights, and Alligators/Crocodiles.
Quote for the day? "All you have to do, is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know." -Ernest Hemingway
Reason to smile? Fall is almost here. It's my favorite season.
Unknown fact about me? I'm an open book, really.
Vegetable you hate? Cauliflower
Worst habit? Computer usage. I'm working on it.
X-rays you’ve had? My mouth, my hand, and my ankle
Your fave food? Pot Roast, strawberries, and pizza
Zodiac sign? I am a true Cancer.
Three Long Days
13 hours ago
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