Well, I have to tell you that I am pretty honest with my son. When he asked me the other day if our cat was going to die someday, I said yes without hesitation. Then, of course, he asked if he was going to die. Naturally this gave me pause, but I went ahead and told him that yes, we will all die eventually. He then asked if I was going to die faster, and I said yes, that I'm supposed to since I am older. We also had a little talk about heaven and angels. Ever since that day, he has been springing random death questions at me. Last night was the deepest conversation to date. He asked me why we couldn't just live forever, and will I still watch over him when I die. Good grief! He asked if I would still go to heaven if I got shot. Creepy! Then, he asked if bad guys shoot kids. I was flabbergasted. I don't know where this came from, but it's very unnerving, let me tell you.
So, I tried my best to allay his fears, but stay honest at the same time. Of course, with the whole heaven and angels thing, I have no way of knowing if I'm truly being honest or not. Still, it's what I believe, so I feel that a person can't go wrong with that. I was wondering, though, do all kids go through this death thing? If so, why?